Our happiness - what we can learn from some of the happiest people in the world
Social connections are THE single-most important factor for our happiness. Even the neighbourly nod or a quick chat with the grocery clerk has an impact. A newly published Danish happiness study – one of the most comprehensive of its kind – provides answers to the universal question: What makes us happy?
The study, which involves an impressive 122,000 respondents in Denmark – a country ranking among the happiest in the world – sheds light on the factors affecting our happiness. Local communities, physical surroundings, our home and access to nature, to name a few. Not only relevant in a Danish context, the study published on International Day of Happiness, March 20th, also offers takeaways relevant for other nations aiming to boost their happiness.
The happiest people living in Denmark are not the Danes! They’re from the Philippines and the US
Most striking finding is the fact, that the population group with the highest quality of life in Denmark is not ethnic Danes but individuals from the Philippines. Filipinos living in Denmark rate their happiness at 8.12 on a scale from 0 to 10. Similarly, immigrants and descendants from the United States, Thailand, the Netherlands, Norway, Vietnam, and Germany who are living in Denmark also experience a higher quality of life than ethnic Danes. That’s the conclusion of a cross-analysis of perceived happiness and respondents' country of origin.
In other words, the high level of happiness in Denmark is in no way restricted to native Danes. Americans living in Denmark have not only a higher happiness than their countrymen in the USA. On average they have a higher happiness than the Danes themselves.
The study finds that Americans living in Denmark are characterized by:
- A very high score for mental well-being (feeling relaxed, finding meaning with life etc.)
- Being very satisfied with the overall safety, especially for kids.
- A very high level of trust in government (both local and national levels of politics)
Every “hi” counts
Clearly, many factors influence our sense of happiness, but if we were to single out one, social contact is fundamental – with loneliness being the greatest barrier.
The study finds that different types of relations and connections play a role. It’s not all about family and close friends. Some connections are different and might be found just down the street, in your apartment complex, or at the local grocery store. That’s why designing our cities and local communities matter. Public spaces, recreational areas and the places we live, work and socialise must be designed to truly foster social interactions.
Zooming (really close) in on the happiest place
An impressive 8.35. That’s the score in the geographically tiny postal code of 8420 Knebel – a town surrounded by beautiful nature and home to 3,800 inhabitants. It’s close to the water, the big city offerings of nearby Aarhus, and boasts a thriving community-based activity scene. All factors proven to increase happiness.
Due to the study’s extensive sets of data, the researchers have been able to zoom really close in on specific geographies and demographic groups, resulting in a deeper understanding of the mechanisms that make Knebel a place with an enviable level of happiness and a place for others to look toward.
Equality benefits everyone
On a scale from 0 to 10, the average Dane rates their happiness at 7.51. That’s the second highest in the world, and the gap between the happiest and the opposite is relatively small compared to other countries. Moreover, the difference between urban (7.39) and rural respondents (7.59) is strikingly small compared to other countries. In general, countries with high equality or an even “distribution” of happiness tend to have a high average happiness score.
Behind the study
The study is fully financed by The Realdania Foundation, based in Denmark. It is the largest study ever conducted on Danes’ happiness. Globally, it’s also one of the happiness studies with the most solid data. That is partly due to the extensive register data available in Denmark. Combined with the 122,000 respondents in the survey, the researchers have been able to study around 1 million data points.
The purpose of the study is to strengthen the public conversation about the factors that affect our quality of life. In Denmark and beyond.
More on the methods behind the study:
The key term used is “subjective well-being” measured on the so-called Cantril’s Life Ladder. The English wording of the question is “Please imagine a ladder, with steps numbered from 0 at the bottom to 10 at the top. The top of the ladder represents the best possible life for you and the bottom of the ladder represents the worst possible life for you. On which step of the ladder would you say you personally feel you stand at this time?”. This is similar to the methods used in World Happiness Report.
The authors
Mr. Henrik Mahncke, Head of Analysis at Realdania Foundation. Author of the annual publication “Danes in the Build Environment” on the link between happiness and our physical environment such as homes, neighborhoods and cities.
Mr. Meik Wiking, CEO of Institute of Happiness in Denmark, author of several books on the topic, including “The Little Book on Happiness”, which appeared on the New York Times list of bestsellers.
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